7+ For The Time Being 使い方 References
. Do everything needed for the time being. We should stick to this method for the present.
Sarah is driving her father’s car for the present. Do everything needed for the time being. Something to take care of for the time being 例文帳に追加.
For The Time Being, Still.
Sarah is driving her father’s car for the present. 単語帳への登録は「英辞郎 on the web pro」でご利用ください. For the time being を用いた例文.
For The Time Beingは仕事や労働で、会話文の分野で用いられます。 【For The Time Being 例文】 Our House Is Quite Cold But It's Good Enough For The Time Being.
My mother is planing on going to new york, so for the time being she saves up some money. しばらくの間, 暫くの間, 一応, 一往, 今のところ, 今の所, 差し当たり, 差当り, さし当たり, 差しあたり, 差当たり, 暫く, 姑く, 暫らく, 須臾, 当面の間, 真逆, 差し詰め, 差詰め,. I’ll be living in los angeles for the.
For The Time Beingに関する情報は比較的少ないので、バイリンガルの話を見て気分をリラックスさせることができるかもしれません。 幸せな一日をお過ごしください。
We should stick to this method for the present. Being and time 中文翻譯 : 存在與時間. For the time being 使い方.
Do Everything Needed For The Time Being.
一時的に。 we'll stop for the time being 私たちは当分の間止まるつもりである 「 gain time 」も同じ意味で使われますが、 頻度としては「buy time」の方が多い 気がします。 「buy time」の使い方は? 例1<お母さんのサプライズパーティーの準備に. Being 中文翻譯 : for the time being 暫時;.
For The Time Being, It Is Vital For Our Team To Receive The Help Of External Resources.
Something to take care of for the time being 例文帳に追加.
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